
Alternate Lifeforms

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We value life – especially that of humans – above all things. However, we don’t even hesitate before taking the life of other beings, while in other cases we behave as if things were imbued with life even though they are inanimate.
So, what exactly is life? How can life be defined? There is still not a general consensus in the scientific or philosophical community regarding a definition of life and every day we discover
new entities on our planet that could be considered alive.

On the most fundamental level, all matter that exists is an arrangement of atoms and their constituent particles. These arrangements fall onto an immense spectrum of complexity, from
a single hydrogen atom to something as intricate as a brain. In the end, life is just a concept invented by humans.
As it happens in the world we perceive, the environmental conditions are responsible for the life forms that evolve and inhabit a given environment. Everything that exists within such
a given system inadvertently forms the ecosystem itself and its agents define life within it.
Such is the case in the JCP Universe where the artifacts become life forms of a system that creates relationships between its artificers, users and the environment itself. The act of living
becomes thus a conscious act between space and the agents that inhabit it.

Life is much more than what we take for granted – it can become what we make of it.

Alternate Lifeforms
Art & Design exhibition curated by CTRLZAK
New artifacts by Gionata Gatto, Damien Gernay, rlon, Martina Taranto
With a special art piece by Stefano Caimi and a video installation by Thanos Zakopoulos
in collaboration with Kokoschka Revival Collective

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